Total Medals Earned: 352 (From 70 different games.) Total Medal Score: 4,390 Points
Medals Earned: 3/21 (15/500 points)
Score 12,000
Score 6,000
Score 18,000
Score 24,000
Score 30,000
Score 36,000
Score 48,000
Score 42,000
Score 60,000
Score 54,000
Score 102,000
Score 72,000
Score 66,000
Score 84,000
Score 96,000
Score 90,000
Score 78,000
Complete the Game!
Score 114,000
Score 108,000
Break the score machine!
Medals Earned: 3/18 (20/500 points)
Build Frankenstein's Monster
Don't skip instructions
Squish an enemy with a monster piece
Build The Creature from the Black Lagoon
Listen to all songs
Build The Wolfman
Make 1 enemy fall with a monster piece
Build The Mole Man
Build The Invisible Man
Build The Phantom of the Opera
Build Bride of Frankenstein
Make 3 enemies fall with a monster piece
Build The Mummy
Build American Werewolf in London
Collect 9 electro-tasers
Kill all enemies on screen at once with 1 acid
Build Count Dracula
Score at least 200,000 points
Medals Earned: 9/15 (45/265 points)
Complete the first day
The lunar surface...
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
What really happened?, it was all a dream?
Enter in the true secret room, welcome to Lunar Industries!
Medals Earned: 2/4 (50/100 points)
They were meant to be.
Here my heart can rest.
So much for that appetitive for destruction...
Medals Earned: 3/11 (15/95 points)
Medals Earned: 4/49 (40/500 points)
theres 4 actors or actresses without a Gag with Literal Name, pick them and win game
win 35/46 or more
win 46/46 points
Medals Earned: 3/7 (25/175 points)
Get 5 clothes
Get 15 clothes
Get 30 clothes
Get 45 clothes
Get 60 Clothes
Get all your clothes.
Buy all the upgrades
Medals Earned: 11/17 (230/480 points)
Crushing the balloon
Killing King Kong
Crushing the Air Racer
Crushing the Asteroid
Crushing the Coast Bomber
Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin
Killing Osama Bin Laden
Killing Spiderman
Crushing the tram
Crushing Donald Trump's Jet
Catching 10 Baseballs
Crushin the Coast Guard Jet
Crushing 65 Containers
Killing 28 Cows
Eating 15 Navy Soldiers
Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/220 points)
9th of December
18th of December
8th of December
11th of December
15th of December
5th of December
1st of December
14th of December
4th of December
19th of December
2nd of December
17th of December
7th of December
16th of December
6th of December
10th of December
3rd of December
13th of December
12th of December
20th of December
21st of December
24th of December
22nd of December
23rd of December
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/195 points)
Run away, and begin your escape.
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Complete the "Moving iEye" levels
Complete the "Slidewalk" levels
Complete the "Activating iEye" levels
Yay, you completed the whole demo! You dissident!